Corporate events at S'Agaró Hotel Spa & Wellness

Corporate events at S'Agaró Hotel Spa & Wellness

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Corporate events at S'Agaró Hotel Spa & Wellness

Meeting and convention rooms in S'Agaró, Costa Brava

At S’Agaró Hotel Spa & Wellness, we are convention specialists and have all the facilities needed for this kind of activity: screen, projector, Wi-Fi, flip chart, public address system, etc.

All kind of meetings, business meals, gala dinners, etc., can also be organised. We can provide tailor-made budgets and personalised programmes to fit your needs. 

Meeting and convention rooms in S'Agaró, Costa Brava
Meeting and convention rooms in S'Agaró, Costa Brava
Meeting and convention rooms in S'Agaró, Costa Brava
Host a memorable meeting

Your business meeting in front of the sea

We have a large meeting and convention room. Also, outdoors, you have our large garden with sea views and the terrace/pool to carry out open-air activities or to take a break during the course of a convention. 

Our catering service will allow you to enjoy buffets, meals, gala dinners, snacks, and more. 

S’Agaró Hotel Spa & Wellness’s privileged location, its facilities and its quality service make it the ideal venue for business functions.

Do you want to celebrate your corporate event at S’Agaró Hotel Spa & Wellness?

Fill out this form and send us your request. We will contact you as soon as possible.
By phone
972 325 200